This whole Inexorable Passage of Time thing is aggravating as hell.
It's not so very long ago that the idea for Dragon's Breath came to me. In fact, thanks to Google and the whole connection with Pope Francis (scroll down to the beginning of the blog if you don't know what I mean), I can pinpoint the exact date. March 13, 2013. Seventeen months and eight days ago. That's nothing. Elephants have longer gestation periods. (Again, Google is your friend.)
And Dragon's Breath was officially welcomed as a participant in the New York International Fringe Festival on April 26th. By my count, that's only one hundred seventeen days ago. My refrigerator still has some of the same contents.
But now, not only is Dragon's Breath a reality, but we're rapidly reaching the point where I'll have to say that it WAS a reality. The Fringe festival ends this weekend, and our final performance is Saturday at 7:00pm. And while there's always a chance that some angel might swoop in and offer to produce a commercial run, or that it will be asked to extend in some other capacity, there's absolutely no guarantee of this. So in all probability, this Saturday will mark the very last performance of Dragon's Breath.
Please come and see it if you can.
Come see what I've worked so hard on for this past year and a half. Come enjoy the story and ponder some of its larger implications. Come and experience the terrific staging and design work. Most of all, come and see this extraordinary cast with which we've been blessed - a cast so good it actually keeps me up at nights. Because I am so honored to have them speaking these words, and trusting me with their gifts, and I worry that if people don't come and see their wonderful work that I've let them down somehow. And I don't want to let them down at all.
One last performance. You can get tickets here.
Please come see it. While there's still time.